Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Transpiration in Deciduous Forest Video.

Transpiration in Deciduous Forest
This Q&A is pulled from a collection of questions posed to me by students of my Online Permaculture Design course (PDC). Learn more with my free four-part Masterclass series, here: http://bit.ly/2YzjPkq Question: In many climates, there is as much or more rain in the winter season. What happens to the 48+ % of rainfall the trees transpire and the 25+ % that evaporates off the leaf surfaces while the deciduous forests have no leaves and aren't transpiring? Support us in making more films by: ► Signing up to our newsletter and the Permaculture Circle—my curated collection of 100+ free videos: http://bit.ly/2HpmhnI ► Liking us on Facebook: http://bit.ly/2YACyfk ► Following us on Instagram: http://bit.ly/2lR0Aj8 ► Subscribing to our Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCL_r1ELEvAuN0peKUxI0Umw/?sub_confirmation=1 About Geoff: Geoff is a world-renowned permaculture consultant, designer, and teacher. He has established permaculture demonstration sites that function as education centers in all the world’s extreme climates — information on the success of these systems is networked through the Permaculture Research Institute and the http://bit.ly/1gwnYNf website. About Permaculture: Permaculture (http://bit.ly/LDov31) integrates land, resources, people and the environment through mutually beneficial synergies – imitating the no waste, closed loop systems seen in diverse natural systems. Permaculture applies holistic solutions that are applicable in rural and urban contexts and at any scale. It is a multidisciplinary toolbox including agriculture, water harvesting and hydrology, energy, natural building, forestry, waste management, animal systems, aquaculture, appropriate technology, economics, and community development. #permaculture #foodforest #forestgarden

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Native Versus Exotic Species Video.

Native Versus Exotic Species
This Q&A is pulled from a collection of questions posed to me by students of my Online Permaculture Design course (PDC). Learn more with my free four-part Masterclass series, here: http://bit.ly/2YzjPkq Question: Watching course content on how well-established ecosystems work together I wonder about introducing so many new exotic species to what is already working so well on its own. I understand the benefits of "hard-working immigrants" but aren't they missing the allies and associates that exist to aid them in their native ecosystem? Doesn't tipping the native ecosystems more out of balance with more severe changes "break" the existing ecosystem and obscure what we would learn from it? While there are benefits to a "manmade" ecosystem why not work with natives species first? Do we have a responsibility to use the smallest possible deviations from the native ecosystem needed to achieve our goals? Support us in making more films by: ► Signing up to our newsletter and the Permaculture Circle—my curated collection of 100+ free videos: http://bit.ly/2HpmhnI ► Liking us on Facebook: http://bit.ly/2YACyfk ► Following us on Instagram: http://bit.ly/2lR0Aj8 ► Subscribing to our Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCL_r1ELEvAuN0peKUxI0Umw/?sub_confirmation=1 About Geoff: Geoff is a world-renowned permaculture consultant, designer, and teacher. He has established permaculture demonstration sites that function as education centers in all the world’s extreme climates — information on the success of these systems is networked through the Permaculture Research Institute and the http://bit.ly/1gwnYNf website. About Permaculture: Permaculture (http://bit.ly/LDov31) integrates land, resources, people and the environment through mutually beneficial synergies – imitating the no waste, closed loop systems seen in diverse natural systems. Permaculture applies holistic solutions that are applicable in rural and urban contexts and at any scale. It is a multidisciplinary toolbox including agriculture, water harvesting and hydrology, energy, natural building, forestry, waste management, animal systems, aquaculture, appropriate technology, economics, and community development. #permaculture #foodforest #forestgarden

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Sunday, May 26, 2019

Minimalist Travels with Just 3 Small Bags for 3+ Years - Digital Nomad Life Video.

Minimalist Travels with Just 3 Small Bags for 3+ Years - Digital Nomad Life
Jacqueline travels year-round while holding down a full-time job as a COO for a small company, and she does it with a surprisingly minimalist amount of luggage. We spent a few days touring Lisbon with her to learn about how she packs, why she travels, and what she's learned from over 3 years of global travel. You can check out Jacqueline's book, Travel Isn't the Answer, here: https://amzn.to/2Mbgo2a And you can also follow her on Instagram, Twitter, and via her website: http://bit.ly/2WkQqgs https://twitter.com/jackiemjensen http://bit.ly/2Maxtt0 Also, if you're looking for a place to stay + work while you travel, definitely check out Outsite - they've got loads of locations in the US and abroad. We loved the Lisbon location – it was very central, nice big rooms, clean bathrooms & kitchens, laundry, and a big street-level space with fast wifi to work & watch the world go by: https://www.outsite.co/ It was the perfect home base for our Lisbon explorations and we really appreciate the team who let us stay there while we worked on Jacqueline's video! Jacqueline has a very balanced view of her digital nomad lifestyle and recognizes that travel isn't the answer to happiness. She also doesn't believe that travel provides everything it seems to when we see glorified travel images on Instagram of people working on beaches. What she's found is that she can cultivate a practice of living in the moment, being curious and passionate about her life and surroundings no matter where she is in the world. Thanks for watching! Mat & Danielle ------------------------------------------------------------- STAY IN TOUCH! ------------------------------------------------------------- Blog: http://bit.ly/1GAu9wt Facebook: /exploringalternativesblog Instagram: @exploringalternatives ------------------------------------------------------------- COMMENTS ------------------------------------------------------------- We want our channel and our comments section to be an inclusive space where everyone feels welcome to watch and to contribute. For this reason, comments that are inappropriate or hateful will be reported and/or deleted. Please discuss and debate with respect, and report inappropriate or hateful comments directly to YouTube. ------------------------------------------------------------- SUBTITLES AND CLOSED CAPTIONS ------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you to our subtitle and closed captions contributors! If you would like to contribute subtitles or closed captions to an Exploring Alternatives video, please click here to see which ones need your help: http://www.youtube.com/timedtext_cs_panel?c=UC8EQAfueDGNeqb1ALm0LjHA&tab=2 If you have any questions about adding subtitles and closed captions, please email us at danielle.is.exploring@gmail.com ------------------------------------------------------------- SPONSORS ------------------------------------------------------------- We occasionally include paid sponsor messages/integrations in our videos to help fund the channel. We do our best to work with companies and organizations that offer products or services that are in line with our values, and that we think would be interesting and useful to you, our viewers. We will always disclose if we’re promoting products that were given to us for free, or if we’re including a sponsored message in a video. For business or sponsorship inquiries, please email us at danielle.is.exploring@gmail.com ------------------------------------------------------------- CREDITS ------------------------------------------------------------- Music & Song Credits: All music in this video was composed, performed, and recorded by Mat of Exploring Alternatives. Editing Credits: Mat and Danielle of Exploring Alternatives Filming Credits: Mat of Exploring Alternatives

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Saturday, May 25, 2019

My Favorite Vegetable Nursery in DFW Dallas + How to Pack Plants Video.

My Favorite Vegetable Nursery in DFW Dallas + How to Pack Plants
John from http://bit.ly/13mBQAf takes you on a field trip to Doan's Nursery in Irving, Texas to share with you some heat tolerant vegetables that will easily grow in North Texas through the hot and humid summer without a problem. You will discover many of the uncommon vegetables they sell here as well as how to pack plants if you want to ship them or take them on the airplane. In this episode, you will get a tour of many of the vegetable plants that Doan's nursery is offering now in Spring 2019. You will discover which ones you need to purchase that will easily grow through the summer. You will learn which ones have special health benefits that can help to improve your health. John will share his technique for properly packing his flat of 18 vegetables so he can take them as carry-on luggage on the airplane flight back home. you will learn how packing plants in this way can also be used to ship plants. Jump to the following parts of this episode: 01:45 My Favorite Nursery in Dallas Ft Worth Area 03:19 Does not ship plants 04:26 Out the back door of Doan's Nursery 05:16 No Plant Guarantees 05:58 #1 Vegetable You should buy in 1-gallon pot 07:40 Grow Perennial Vegetables 08:25 Do Your Part to 08:45 Greenhouse Tour Starts 09:57 Grow Vegetables 10:13 Hand Cam Tour of Herbs & Vegetables 10:37 Why the prices are so cheap at Doan's Nursery 11:28 Vietnamese Mint 12:51 My Favorite Mild Chives 13:50 SPinach you have to grow in the Summer 15:13 Gynura Procumbens - Excellent Price - Must Grow 18:20 Buy this vegetable Grows Easy in the Summer 19:25 Fish mint - can take over 19:49 Rice Patty Herb 20:28 Gotu Kola - Good for memory 21:30 Katuk 22:36 La Lot - Grows Crazy 24:02 How to pack your plants to take on the airplane 24:44 Plants I bought at the nursery 26:11 Where I got boxes to take back my plants 26:45 Using Zip ties and Tape to secure plants 27:40 6 Plants packed in the box 28:00 Securing the plants in the box so they don't tip over 30:53 Secured Plants in Box 31:54 Final Comments - Buy a flat After watching this episode, you will learn the best nursery in the Dallas / Ft Worth / DFW area for vegetable plant starts for the lowest price, and rare vegetables you can not buy anywhere else. You will also discover how John packs his plants to take on an airplane or how you can use the same technique to ship your plants. Subscribe to GrowingYourGreens for more videos like this: https://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=growingyourgreens Follow John on Instagram at: http://bit.ly/1F2EYSy Watch all 1400+ Episodes from GrowingYourGreens at https://www.youtube.com/user/growingyourgreens/videos Related/Referenced Episodes: Texas Worm Castings Episode https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JyDdGPCM6s4 Previous Doan's Nursery tour https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TL37soVpC-4 Buy a GrowingYourGreens Tee Shirt http://bit.ly/2EaWsHj Doan's Nursery Facebook http://bit.ly/2QpUjLF

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Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Best Worm Castings I Found in Texas and Maybe the USA Video.

Best Worm Castings I Found in Texas and Maybe the USA
John from http://bit.ly/13mBQAf takes you on a field trip to Texas Worm Ranch to share with you the best worm castings he has found in Texas, and maybe the USA. In this episode, you will learn about an indoor worm farm that produces some of the best castings in the USA due to the special diet they feed their worms, and how they take care of their worms. You will learn the secrets behind how some of the best worm castings are made. Jump to the following parts of this episode: 01:16 Vegetable Garden being grown without fertilizer 03:40 Chard leaf as big as my head 05:00 Super Large Red Russian Kale Leaf 06:42 Grow as many perennial vegetables and plants and possible 08:20 Leave Roots in Place when end of the season of annual plants 11:10 Business Hours and How to Contact TX Worm Ranch 12:30 Side Door- Warehouse 12:49 TX Worm Ranch in a Warehouse 15:50 Simulate The Forest Floor in a warehouse 16:33 Best Castings are made from the best inputs 17:12 Worms and Castings are only as healthy as the food they eat 17:30 1st primary food they feed worms: Wood Chips 18:01 2nd primary food they feed worms: Leaves 19:55 3rd primary food they feed worms: Food Scraps 20:50 Don't feed the Worms Citrus = False 21:34 Input Foods are "aged" before being fed to worms 23:40 Food ready for Worms - Main Bedding Material 25:01 Raised Worm Bed Inoculated with Bedding/Food Material 26:53 Raised Worm Bed Not Yet Finished 27:20 Most Important Step to prepare a Raised Worm Bed- Mulch 28:24 Maintain Proper Moisture / Plants growing from Beds 30:14 Smaller Beds on top of Large Raised Beds - Producing Worms 32:04 How to keep track of worm castings production 33:07 Harvesting Raised Worm Bed for Finished Worm Castings 33:50 Initial Sift results 34:20 Big Bethera- Fine Sifter 35:44 Sifting out Castings vs Vermacasting (larger screened material) 37:18 Finished castings Before its Bagged up 38:53 Smell Test 39:05 Moisture Test 40:00 Bagged to Order 40:50 Don't Buy Sealed Bag Worm Castings 41:35 Color Test for Castings 41:55 What Most Castings You Buy are Like 43:12 Proper Bags to Use to Maintain Biology in Worm Castings 44:30 Testing Castings with Water to See Humus Content 46:07 Every Batch of Worm Castings are tested for Microbial Content 46:46 Local Castings from Nursery under the microscope - Mostly Bacteria 47:25 Texas Worm Ranch under the microscope 48:13 Best Book for Vegetable Gardening in the Houston area all year 48:55 Best Book for Home Gardeners 49:08 Best Book for Starting a Worm Farm 50:04 How to Use Your Worm Castings the Best Way Possible 51:29 Weekly Classes in Dallas 52:22 Multiply your biology by making Worm Casting Tea 54:00 Basic Compost Tea Ingredients 54:44 Make Your own Worm Castings in a Worm Bin 55:45 Take Care of your worms as your pets so they thrive 56:25 Urban Worm Bin better than Worm Factory 59:08 Interview with Heather Rinaldi 59:32 Why did you start a worm farm in a Warehouse? 1:01:00 Why is Soil Biology worm castings so important 1:01:50 Is it true your front vegetable garden uses no fertilizer 1:02:20 How many worm castings should you add to your garden beds? 1:03:20 Why are some worm castings not as good as you may think? 1:04:57 Can you buy Worms and make the best worm castings? 1:05:45 How do create a better Soil Microbiology / Ecosystem in your garden? 1:06:15 What has been the biggest Challenge growing worm castings in a warehouse? 1:07:50 Can you compare fungal dominated compost vs fungal dominated worm castings? 1:08:55 How do the fungal dominate compost vs castings ratios compare? 1:10:33 How can you make sure the fungi stay alive in your garden? 1:12:15 Are organic pesticides and fungicides ok for your microbiology? 1:14:04 Can you buy worms to throw in your yard? 1:15:24 What are your web sites and how to find more information After watching this episode, you will learn how the best worm castings are made and what it takes to make them, and much more. Subscribe to GrowingYourGreens for more videos like this: https://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=growingyourgreens Follow John on Instagram at: http://bit.ly/1F2EYSy Watch all 1400+ Episodes from GrowingYourGreens at https://www.youtube.com/user/growingyourgreens/videos Related/Referenced Episodes: Supersize Your Vegetables with Wood Chips and Rock Dust Episode https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MEkFFRjDkvs Best Compost I found in Texas https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TuvmXjFJhQY Most important compost your not using https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6nVnKMoPgl4 Open Source compost Tea Recipe https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sTijkwQaPRI Dr Zymes Episode https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mEvmjiwR9qs Buy a GrowingYourGreens Tee Shirt http://bit.ly/2EaWsHj Texas Worm Ranch Web Site http://txwormranch.com/ Texas Worm Ranch Facebook http://bit.ly/2ElnM4w Get 10% discount from Texas Worm Ranch at http://bit.ly/2WSscal

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Monday, May 20, 2019

Green Energy: Green Products

Green Energy: Green Products: Green Products Phone 4 Energy $47.00 Build Your Own Solar and Wind Power System $49.99 How to Build a 50MP...

Sunday, May 19, 2019

How to Scale Up Mulch Pits Video.

How to Scale Up Mulch Pits
This Q&A is pulled from a collection of questions posed to me by students of my Online Permaculture Design course (PDC). Learn about permaculture with my free four-part Masterclass series, here: http://bit.ly/2YzjPkq Question: How do you scale up a mulch pit? I'm considering planting hazelnuts in the circle but each hazelnut needs a 6-foot planting space, which is much larger than the 1-foot planting space of a smaller pit. Is there a way to do this but with a larger pit? Is there a way to do this fitting the plants into a smaller circle? Support us in making more films by: ► Signing up to our newsletter and the Permaculture Circle—my curated collection of 100+ free videos: http://bit.ly/2HpmhnI ► Liking us on Facebook: http://bit.ly/2YACyfk ► Following us on Instagram: http://bit.ly/2lR0Aj8 ► Subscribing to our Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCL_r1ELEvAuN0peKUxI0Umw/?sub_confirmation=1 About Geoff: Geoff is a world-renowned permaculture consultant, designer, and teacher. He has established permaculture demonstration sites that function as education centers in all the world’s extreme climates — information on the success of these systems is networked through the Permaculture Research Institute and the http://bit.ly/1gwnYNf website. About Permaculture: Permaculture (http://bit.ly/LDov31) integrates land, resources, people and the environment through mutually beneficial synergies – imitating the no waste, closed loop systems seen in diverse natural systems. Permaculture applies holistic solutions that are applicable in rural and urban contexts and at any scale. It is a multidisciplinary toolbox including agriculture, water harvesting and hydrology, energy, natural building, forestry, waste management, animal systems, aquaculture, appropriate technology, economics, and community development. #permaculture #permaculturedesign #mulchpits

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Involving Platforms Like Kickstarter in Spreading Permaculture Video.

Involving Platforms Like Kickstarter in Spreading Permaculture
This Q&A is pulled from a collection of questions posed to me by students of my Online Permaculture Design course (PDC). Learn about permaculture with my free four-part Masterclass series, here: http://bit.ly/2YzjPkq Question: With so many projects, people, and potential good work making demands on your time how do you decide what to do next? How do you keep so many tasks in order and moving forward? Support us in making more films by: ► Signing up to our newsletter and the Permaculture Circle—my curated collection of 100+ free videos: http://bit.ly/2HpmhnI ► Liking us on Facebook: http://bit.ly/2YACyfk ► Following us on Instagram: http://bit.ly/2lR0Aj8 ► Subscribing to our Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCL_r1ELEvAuN0peKUxI0Umw/?sub_confirmation=1 About Geoff: Geoff is a world-renowned permaculture consultant, designer, and teacher. He has established permaculture demonstration sites that function as education centers in all the world’s extreme climates — information on the success of these systems is networked through the Permaculture Research Institute and the http://bit.ly/1gwnYNf website. About Permaculture: Permaculture (http://bit.ly/LDov31) integrates land, resources, people and the environment through mutually beneficial synergies – imitating the no waste, closed loop systems seen in diverse natural systems. Permaculture applies holistic solutions that are applicable in rural and urban contexts and at any scale. It is a multidisciplinary toolbox including agriculture, water harvesting and hydrology, energy, natural building, forestry, waste management, animal systems, aquaculture, appropriate technology, economics, and community development. #permaculture #bioregionalresources #localcommunitygroups

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Saturday, May 18, 2019

Why are Earthworks Cheaper for Water Storage? Video.

Why are Earthworks Cheaper for Water Storage?
This Q&A is pulled from a collection of questions posed to me by students of my Online Permaculture Design course (PDC). Learn about permaculture with my free four-part Masterclass series, here: http://bit.ly/2YzjPkq Question: With all the expenses of earth moving, compacting, digging, and machinery how does it work out to be cheaper to install earthwork water storage? Support us in making more films by: ► Signing up to our newsletter and the Permaculture Circle—my curated collection of 100+ free videos: http://bit.ly/2HpmhnI ► Liking us on Facebook: http://bit.ly/2YACyfk ► Following us on Instagram: http://bit.ly/2lR0Aj8 ► Subscribing to our Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCL_r1ELEvAuN0peKUxI0Umw/?sub_confirmation=1 About Geoff: Geoff is a world-renowned permaculture consultant, designer, and teacher. He has established permaculture demonstration sites that function as education centers in all the world’s extreme climates — information on the success of these systems is networked through the Permaculture Research Institute and the http://bit.ly/1gwnYNf website. About Permaculture: Permaculture (http://bit.ly/LDov31) integrates land, resources, people and the environment through mutually beneficial synergies – imitating the no waste, closed loop systems seen in diverse natural systems. Permaculture applies holistic solutions that are applicable in rural and urban contexts and at any scale. It is a multidisciplinary toolbox including agriculture, water harvesting and hydrology, energy, natural building, forestry, waste management, animal systems, aquaculture, appropriate technology, economics, and community development. #permaculture #permaculturedesign #earthworks

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