Friday, September 6, 2019

Best Way to Fertilizer Your Garden with Free Leaves - Leaf Mulch Gardening Video.

Best Way to Fertilizer Your Garden with Free Leaves - Leaf Mulch Gardening
John from takes a field trip to Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada to share with you a front-yard urban vegetable garden that is powered by FREE leaves from the neighbors. In this episode, you will learn about deep mulch gardening using fall leaves and how you can have a pest-resistant garden and grow high quality, good tasting fruits and vegetables by using this free resource that most people simply "throw-away". You will get a tour of Angel's Roost garden that has been gardening using the power of free fallen leaves since 2002, for 17 years has religiously been building soil fertility and adding leaves two times a year to have some of the best gardening soil I have ever seen. You will learn about many of the different growing techniques that are being used in this urban garden, including growing vertically up trellis structures, growing on roofs, growing in pots, growing in containers, growing permaculture style, and much, mulch more! In this episode, you will get a full overview tour of the garden and what is growing and how it is being grown while covering the ground with leaves to encourage soil microorganisms to thrive. You will discover how to keep your soil microbes, earthworms, and even some crops alive even in the winter when there is snow on the ground by using leaves as an insulation layer to protect the earth most valuable resource: the soil. You will learn how growing in crystals may "energize" you food and grow larger and more nutritious food. You will discover a variety of corn that grows 25 feet tall in a growing season. You will learn how to properly use leaves that you can collect free in the fall season to enrich your garden soil for many years to come. Finally, John will interview Daniel Tomelin the mulch gardener who teaches people how to grow using mulch as well as ferment foods to help the people and the planet. After watching this episode, you will no longer have doubts about the power of mulching with leaves and using the deep leaf mulch gardening method to get some of the best results in your vegetable garden. Related Episodes: Growing with Wood Chips and Rock Dust Subscribe to GrowingYourGreens for more videos like this: Follow John on Instagram at: Watch all 1400+ Episodes from GrowingYourGreens at Buy My Healthy Eating Recipe Book Buy a GrowingYourGreens Tee Shirt Referenced Links: Daniel's Web site

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