I am reaching out today to ask you to sign this letter before January 26th to demonstrate your support for a 100% Renewable Energy Standard (S. 267).
Nearly 100 businesses have already signed on and we hope you will, too. Share this email with your supply-chain vendors, contractors, business customers and fellow community business leaders so that they can sign also.
We need to show our legislators and the Governor that renewables are good for businesses in all corners of the state.
Read on to learn more about the energy standard and why your support matters.
Momentum at the Statehouse
As the legislative session opened last week, there is momentum around climate issues like we’ve never seen before. The Youth Lobby filled the statehouse, demanding bold climate action. See video here.
It is not only the youth who are paying attention to climate. In December, an independent poll found that large majorities of Vermonters from every county in the state are concerned about climate change and want legislators to act.
- 76% support requiring 100% renewable electricity by 2030.
- 73% support increasing the requirement for in-state renewables.
- 78% support action that would require the state to hit its climate targets.
REV members currently have an unprecedented opportunity to influence the future of renewable energy by helping to enact a 100% Renewable Energy Standard, with more local electricity.
Why does the Renewable Energy Standard Matter?
The Public Utilities Commission treats the existing RES requirement for in-state renewables as a ceiling rather than a floor, limiting the amount of in-state renewable generation to just 10% of the electricity that Vermont needs. We know that at least 50% local renewable generation is possible today. REV is committed to legislation that would double in-state renewable electricity generation.
In addition, the current Renewable Energy Standard fails to encourage investment in resilient, dispatchable renewable resources such as local renewables + storage or demand-response. REV is committed to creating a resilience component, enhancing and expanding Tier II.
Vermont has fallen behind in climate leadership, but our Green Mountain State can become a leader again by adopting a 100% Renewable Energy Standard.
Will You Help?
Sign on to Support 100% Renewable Energy:
The first thing you can do today to support the campaign for a 100% Renewable Energy Standard is to add your name to this business sign-on letter before January 26th. Please also ask your supply-chain vendors, contractors, business customers and fellow community business leaders in Vermont to raise their voices for real climate action & local economic opportunities. Let’s show our legislators and the Governor that renewables support businesses in all corners of the state.
Attend REV’s Statehouse event Feb 13:
Come to Montpelier and share with statehouse leaders your firsthand experience with the many ways that renewable energy contributes to our state’s climate security and prosperity.
FEBRUARY 13: Save-the-date to attend REV’s annual member meeting and the Statehouse Legislative Reception sponsored by Renewable Energy Vermont and Efficiency Vermont’s Business Excellence Network. More details coming soon!
Rev On,
* This article was originally published here
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