Saturday, June 1, 2019

How One Family Grows 70% of the Vegetables they Eat in 300 Square Feet Video.

How One Family Grows 70% of the Vegetables they Eat in 300 Square Feet
John from takes you on a field trip to the home of the gardenerd, Christy Wilhelmi, in Los Angeles, California to show you how she grows 70% of the vegetables they eat in just 300 square feet of garden bed space. In this episode, you will get a tour of the gardenerd's backyard and how she is using all the space to grow food and to have a healthy garden. You will learn more about how to use the shade underneath a tree in the most effective way, how to build your soil, many different growing techniques, how to build soil microbiology and much, much more. Jump to the following parts of this episode: 02:07 Front Yard - Low Water Usage / Natives / Fruit Trees 03:19 Back Yard tour starts 05:23 Mulch Your Yard - Cover Your Ground 06:15 No-Till Gardening 06:40 Compost in a Shady Spot that is not so valuable 07:25 Pet Chickens under shade 07:44 Worm Bins in Shady Spot 08:51 Collecting Rain Water 10:40 BioGas Digester to Make Gas for cooking 12:14 Compost Bins - Compost Clothes 14:19 Plant Flowers for Beneficial Insects 16:20 More Flowers for Nature and Eating 17:10 8 Raised Bed Garden - 200 Square Feet 18:17 Outside Raised Beds - Perennial Vegetables and Fruits 20:42 Annual Crops - Tomatoes 21:30 How to Grow tomatoes every Foot 23:50 Protecting Seedlings with Plastic Bottles 26:17 Square Foot Gardening - Radishes - Eat the Greens 27:40 More Raised Beds 28:00 Growing 4'x4' Wheat to Make 2 loaves of bread 29:28 Interplanting multiple crops in one bed 30:00 Tree Collards - Grow Year Round 31:06 Trellis Your Tree Collards 32:05 Plastic Trex to Build Raised Beds 33:53 Another Raised Bed Growing Vegetables + Bees 34:55 Growing Vegetables in Paper Pots 37:07 Portable Raised Bed Pot - Movable for Forage 38:33 Green Stock Vertical Garden 41:25 Interview with Cristy the Gardenerd Starts 42:05 What is a Garden Nerd? 45:10 Tell me about your Blog? 46:25 How do you help people in Los Angeles Garden? 47:52 What are the best crops to grow in a small space? 49:00 Best Swiss Chard to Avoid Aphids 50:40 What are your favorite seed companies? 52:03 What is the best way to grow in a small space? 53:47 Plant Systematically 54:55 What is your biggest failure? 56:15 What are your biggest successes? 57:24 Tell me about your Gardening for Geeks Book? 59:28 How can someone learn when the new book comes out? 1:00:11 Why do you have a microscope in your dining room? 1:01:05 How do you make good quality compost? 1:02:30 Why compost tea is so important? 1:04:09 What are the fizzy tabs with beneficial microbes? 1:05:06 What is the tea in your fridge that you won't drink? 1:08:20 Any final thoughts? 1:10:10 Tell me what your podcast about? 1:11:00 How can someone learn about the gardenerd? After watching this episode, you will learn many tips on growing food in a small space and using your small space to be the most productive. You will also learn many tips from the gardenerd. Subscribe to GrowingYourGreens for more videos like this: Follow John on Instagram at: Watch all 1400+ Episodes from GrowingYourGreens at Related/Referenced Episodes: Best Worm Bin Episode Texas Worm Castings Episode Buy a GrowingYourGreens Tee Shirt Gardenerd youtube Channel Learn more about the Gardenerd at

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