How to Grow Tropical Fruit Trees Outside the Tropics in Las Vegas or Anywhere
John from takes you on a field trip to Abah Gardens in Las Vegas, Nevada to share with you how you can grow tropical fruit trees in the Las Vegas Desert. You will discover how Derrick Martinez is about to create soil in the desert that would rival soil in a forest. You will discover how he creates microclimates to protect his fruit trees from the extreme weather and find out how he is always able to give them just the right amount of water. You will discover how he grows fruit trees without adding any store-bought fertilizer. In this episode, you will get a tour of a fellow YouTuber's backyard fruit forest and discover how he is growing fruits and vegetables successfully in the las vegas desert. You will learn more about all the different types of fruit trees you may be able to grow in Las Vegas as well as which perennial vegetable is the most abundant that you should have already planted in your garden. You will discover how to create rich, fertile soil without buying any store-bought fertilizer, and much, much more. Jump to the following parts of this episode: 02:48 Entering Backyard 03:13 How a Park should look 04:55 Local & Slow Food 05:54 Backyard Hand-Cam Tour of Backyard 08:34 Home Orchard Pruning 09:43 Super Mulching in every bed 13:44 Starting seeds in the ground 14:49 Asian Pear Most Loaded Up the tree 16:04 Buying Fruit Trees online 17:20 Grow this fruit tree in Las Vegas 19:06 Growing Cactus Pad and Cactus Fruits 20:17 Growing Jaboticaba in Las Vegas without protection 20:55 Growing a passion fruit up a trellis 21:24 Pawpaw fruit tree - protect when young 21:57 Large Raised Vegetable Garden Bed 23:06 Growing Vegetables Below Fruit Trees 24:30 Make-Shift Greenhouse to Grow Tropical Fruit Trees 25:20 How to create the perfect microclimate 27:10 Wax Apple Tree 27:20 Red Malaysian Guava 28:00 Growing Coffee in Las Vegas 28:20 Growing From Seed then Buying Tree if Works 29:06 Growing a Breadfruit tree 30:04 Growing Sugar Cane 30:19 Growing Longan fruits in Las Vegas 31:35 Honey Heart Cherimoya 31:45 Growing Soursop in Las Vegas 32:54 No space wasted - growing trees everywhere 34:11 Growing Tea Camelia Sinensis 34:45 How to Build Soil Fertility 35:42 nurture the soil before you plant in an area 36:40 The Importance of Lava Rocks in the Garden 37:39 Planting Above Grade 38:20 Different Types of Mulch for Different Seasons 39:00 Keep Ground Covered 39:35 Keep Roots in the Ground 40:00 Richest Soil in Las Vegas 40:52 Attracting Life in Your Garden 41:39 Creating Fungal Dominated Soil in Place 42:10 Problem with Buying Compost in Store 43:01 Easiest Fruit Tree to Grow in Las Vegas - Fig 43:59 Best tropical tree to grow outside a greenhouse in Las Vegas - Tropic Pink Guava 45:24 More people should grow this fruit 46:25 Grow new vegetables: Tree Collards 47:45 Experiment in your garden 48:26 Raised Bed Unique Features 49:25 Starting Seedlings in your garden bed 50:10 How much does it cost to garden? 51:15 Buying Fruit trees online 51:37 Guarantee 52:55 Enhance your life 54:56 Pros and Cons of Hand Watering vs Drip System 55:36 Plan before planting 58:04 Interview with Derrick 58:36 Why did you start farming in Las Vegas? 59:30 The High Cost of Processed Food 1:02:20 Make your food from scratch 1:02:57 What are your secrets for growing tropical fruit trees in Vegas? 1:04:52 What is the most expensive fruit tree you bought? 1:05:30 What is your most cherished fruit tree you are growing? 1:05:50 What is Jah and Why is it important? 1:08:25 How do you fertilize your trees without fertilizer? After watching this episode, you will learn how one man is growing tropical exotic fruit trees outside the tropics, in Las Vegas, Nevada, the desert. You will learn all the tricks and tips he uses to grow some of the healthiest tropical fruit trees outside the tropics and grow the best soil in his own backyard. Subscribe to GrowingYourGreens for more videos like this: Follow John on Instagram at: Watch all 1400+ Episodes from GrowingYourGreens at Buy a GrowingYourGreens Tee Shirt Derrick's Youtube Channel Derrick's Facebook Page
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